Tillage Equipment: A Useful Guide for Farmers


Tillage, in agriculture, refers to the process of manipulating the soil using mechanical tools to achieve a desired condition. It involves preparing the ground before planting and cultivating it after planting to optimise crop growth. For the best preparation of the soil, tillage is performed using various types of tillage implements or equipment.  In farming, […]

A Simple Guide to Cover Crops


What Is A Cover Crop  In farming, cover crops are plants intentionally grown to cover the soil, rather than being cultivated primarily for harvest.  Their significance lies in their ability to effectively manage multiple aspects related to soil health, water conservation, pest control, weed suppression, disease prevention, promotion of biodiversity, and support for wildlife.  By […]

Types of Tillage Discs by Kelly Tillage


When it comes to preparing the soil for planting, farmers have been relying on tillage discs for decades. These powerful tools come in various shapes, sizes, and designs, each with unique benefits and drawbacks. From traditional ploughs to high-tech discs, the world of tillage equipment is constantly evolving, making it essential for farmers to stay […]

Methoden der Bodenbewirtschaftung


Die Bedeutung des Bodens als primäre Ressource für die Nahrungsmittelproduktion kann gar nicht hoch genug eingeschätzt werden. Der Erfolg der Landwirtschaft hängt weitgehend von der Qualität des Bodens ab, der die Pflanzen mit den lebenswichtigen Nährstoffen und Wasser versorgt, die sie zum Gedeihen benötigen. In Verbindung mit einer angemessenen Wasser- und Sonneneinstrahlung kann ein gesunder […]

Disc Harrow: An Ultimate Guide 


If you are searching for the best tools for growing crops, controlling weeds, improving soil fertility and levelling seedbed, disc harrow is the best tool for all. Disking is the farm management practice used to break up clods and surface crusts after ploughing. A disc harrow is also used to improve soil granulation and surface […]

Expert Advice and Tips for Enhancing Soil Quality


Farms that are profitable, productive, and environmentally sustainable depend on healthy soil as their foundational necessity.  Developing a soil management system that enhances and improves soil health over time requires dedicated time and effort. This will help to understand the various soil processes that influence crop growth and the techniques and practices that impact them. […]

 Best Mechanical Weed Control Methods


Mechanical weed control is a method of removing weeds from fields using manual or machine-operated tools instead of relying on chemicals or herbicides. This practice is gaining popularity among farmers seeking more sustainable and eco-friendly alternatives to conventional weed management methods. It can be accomplished in several ways, including hand weeding, tillage and cultivation. In […]

What are the Benefits of Minimum Tillage System?


Tillage practices involve treating arable land after harvest and before planting and cultivation.  Excessive ploughing and harrowing can cause environmental consequences, such as runoff of nutrients and pesticides, soil erosion, compaction, and reduced organic matter. To preserve soil biodiversity and prevent degradation, it is essential to minimise soil disturbance by implementing reduced or no-tillage techniques. […]

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Prepare a Seedbed?


Wondering how to prepare a seedbed for better crop yield? Want to learn about the machinery and tools used for seedbed preparation? Looking for a reliable farming tools provider? Kelly Tillage is what you are looking for. We understand farmers and agriculture and believe that farmers globally should be sustainable by implementing our seedbed preparation […]

Techniken und Technologien für eine optimale Saatbettbereitung


Der Boden ist ein wesentliches Material und eine wichtige Ressource für die Landwirtschaft und den Ackerbau. Die Wahl der richtigen Anbautechniken und der Einsatz modernster Technik können dazu beitragen, die langfristige Rentabilität des Bodens zu gewinnen und zu erhalten. Ein entscheidender Faktor für einen erfolgreichen Ernteertrag ist die Saatbettbereitung. Werfen wir einen Blick auf die […]