Better Tillage.
Better Bottom Line.

The perfect seedbed will save you money

The KELLY Tillage System allows farmers to reduce their inputs on fuel, labour, maintenance and herbicide while improving their yield. With the resultant chemical savings and need for fewer passes made, many farmers recoup the price of their machine in the first 1-2 years of working.

Create a level seedbed to boost efficiency and optimise yield.

Cut back on chemical use with mechanical weed control.

KELLY products are built to last with minimal maintenance required.

Farm starter.

KELLY operators reap the benefits of faster working speeds and lower horsepower requirements, achieving superior results while using only a fraction of the time, fuel and manpower.

Operators can also expect significant savings on herbicide use; KELLY Disc Chains are effective at both controlling existing weeds and stimulating an early weed germination to increase the effectiveness of subsequent passes. Integrating ultra-shallow tillage techniques into a weed control program has the additional benefit of combating herbicide resistance, increasing the program’s long-term economic and agronomic sustainability.

Customer Testimonials

Davis Farms Cunningham KY

The cost per acre is a big deal to the Davis brothers, who farm a lot of cover crops in West Kentucky. The brothers have been using their KELLY since 2015 and found a range of benefits to its use. They’re able to cover a lot of acres with less horsepower and fuel than they required with their previous vertical tillage tool. They’re also coming to find that the benefits are soil-related; by working only an inch deep, compaction issues are reduced significantly. After covering a lot of acres, they’re finding that the wear is minimal and there is hardly any maintenance required. The brothers have now purchased a second KELLY and plan to use it on over 80% of their land. 
<span style="color: #33901d">Gerald Scheckel Farms,</span><br>Richmond KS
Gerald Scheckel Farms,
Richmond KS
Read the full story here
Before getting his Kelly Disc Chain Harrow, Scheckel was using a heavy disk and field cultivator. In addition to preparing a better seedbed, the Kelly is faster and more economical, requiring only about half the fuel compared to the field cultivator.

And with the acres he has to cover, it’s a toss-up for which is more appreciated, saving fuel or saving time. It is that perfect seedbed, however, that Scheckel seems to like the very most.

“You just about have to see it to believe it,” he says.
<span style="color: #33901d">Derry Wright Farms,</span><br>Richmond MO
Derry Wright Farms,
Richmond MO
Read the full story here
The leveling effect and the absence of clods and slabs are important, explains Wright who bought his first Kelly in 2008, because the value of a good seedbed goes well beyond just looking nice.

“If the terrain isn’t smooth, you’re going to get planter bounce,” he says. “That’s going to create non-uniform placement and that will have a negative effect on yields. It’s the same with clods. A good seedbed translates into good yields. It enables us to get the most from our seed genetics and all the other inputs required to raise a crop.”

The two-inch tillage depth is ideal, Wright adds, and even dispersal of residue also contributes to more consistent seed placement as well as protecting soil.

The Wright cropping operation runs two 45ft. Kelly Diamond Harrows with significantly better fuel economy and speed than a field cultivator.

Low maintenance is another Kelly advantage. “With the Kelly, we’re not buying field cultivator sweeps and harrow teeth every year,” he explains. “There’s just not much maintenance to it.”
<span style="color: #33901d">Gaither Farms,</span><br>Hoxie AR
Gaither Farms,
Hoxie AR
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Although creating a good seedbed is job #1, speed and economy are all-important concerns. With his three units, Duane Gaither can cover 1,200 acres per day. He figures his fuel cost at less than $2 per acre for three trips across the field with the Kellys — far less than diesel-drinking field cultivator and float operations.

And, the Kelly Diamond Harrow is highly dependable.

“As far as major problems, we just haven’t had any,” Gaither says. “The secret is to keep the chains tight. We check them every morning before we start. It’s pretty simple. There are four tensioners to check and you can do it in a matter of minutes. It’s a very simple, trouble-free machine.”
<span style="color: #33901d">Jimmy Cole Farms,</span><br>Reyno AR
Jimmy Cole Farms,
Reyno AR
Read the full story here
“I’d seen it in action so I knew it worked,” Cole says, “but initially I wasn’t sure I could justify the expense. It’s pretty clear to me now that the Kelly saves us money in time and fuel and chemicals. We use it in so many different ways because it’s a very versatile tool and it does such a good job…There’s no doubt that it saves us a lot of time and a lot of fuel but it still has to do the job. And the Kelly definitely does the job.”
<span style="color: #33901d">Pigue Farms,</span><br>Paragould AR
Pigue Farms,
Paragould AR
Read the full story here
“Without the Kelly, you’d double your time just disc-harrowing,” David points out. “And you’d use about three times as much fuel. That’s doesn’t even figure in the land-planing. With the Kelly, we’re running a 45ft. wide implement at about 8 miles per hour and a lesser engine RPM than you would with a disc, a field cultivator or a land-plane because it’s a much easier pull. It’s a lot faster and it saves a lot of fuel – and it does a heckuva job.”

A KELLY can save you money.

To learn more about why farmers around the world are using the KELLY Tillage System to optimise their farming operations, download our brochure.

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