What are the Benefits of Minimum Tillage System?


Tillage practices involve treating arable land after harvest and before planting and cultivation. 

Excessive ploughing and harrowing can cause environmental consequences, such as runoff of nutrients and pesticides, soil erosion, compaction, and reduced organic matter.

To preserve soil biodiversity and prevent degradation, it is essential to minimise soil disturbance by implementing reduced or no-tillage techniques. These techniques can help prevent erosion and maintain soil health.

The primary objective of minimum tillage systems is to minimise the physical disturbance of soil while creating an ideal seedbed that promotes rapid and uniform germination, fosters desirable plant density, and enhances optimal conditions for crop growth.

If you want to prepare a perfect seedbed for your field, Kelly Tillage will cover you.

We offer a wide range of ground engaging disc chains to satisfy your year-round light tillage needs. Get the most durable farming equipment for sustainable agriculture. 

What Exactly Is A Minimum Tillage System?

A minimum tillage system is a method of farming that aims to minimise soil disturbance and tillage while still achieving optimal crop yields. Specialized equipment creates small strips or pockets in the soil, leaving most of the soil undisturbed to achieve this. The technique’s goal is to keep plant residue on soil surfaces, preserving moisture, preventing erosion, and improving soil health.

Minimum tillage systems offer numerous advantages over conventional tillage practices, such as lower fuel usage, less soil erosion, improved water penetration, and enhanced soil health.

It preserves soil health, promotes conservation, and helps farmers achieve high crop yields.

Shallow tillage involves techniques such as reduced furrowing, the application of organic fertilizers, the use of biological means for pest control, and a restrained dependence on chemicals. The method involves the avoidance of primary tillage, relying instead on limited secondary tillage.

  • Primary tillage breaks up and loosens soil before planting, using heavy equipment for deep tillage. Excessive primary tillage harms soil and the environment by causing compaction, erosion, and loss of organic matter.
  • Farmers typically perform secondary tillage at a shallower depth than primary tillage. During secondary tillage, they use implements such as harrows to break up and refine the soil, remove any remaining debris or weeds, and create an appropriate seedbed for planting. Secondary tillage enhances soil structure and fertility, creating a finer surface for improved seed-to-soil contact and crop growth.

Advantages of Minimum Tillage Systems

There are numerous benefits to using a conservation tillage system. Let’s have a look at these benefits one by one:

1. Reduced Soil Erosion

Light tillage practices involve leaving crop residues on the soil surface, which helps to reduce soil erosion. It reduces soil erosion by rainfall or wind, preserving soil structure and nutrients.

2. Increased Soil Organic Matter

Soil is a finite resource, and healthy soil is extremely valuable. While conservation practices can help correct and improve soil health, reversing problems such as compaction and erosion can take years. However, every little bit helps.

Conservation tillage improves soil quality, increases organic matter and filtration, and reduces erosion, benefiting long-term field and crop investments. Use conservation techniques such as vertical tillage to improve the health of your soil.

Conservation tillage system can increase the amount of organic matter in the soil. Leaving crop residues on soil surfaces adds organic matter by decomposing. Organic matter is important for soil health because it improves soil structure, water holding capacity, and nutrient availability.

3. Improved Soil Structure

Minimum tillage systems can help to improve soil structure by reducing soil compaction. Over-tilling soil can cause compaction, reducing water infiltration and root growth. By reducing tillage, minimum tillage practices can help to maintain soil structure and prevent compaction.

4. Increased Soil Biodiversity

Conservation tillage practices can enhance soil biodiversity by fostering a heterogeneous environment for soil organisms. Retaining crop residues on soil surfaces supports soil organisms, promoting a diverse ecosystem.

5. Water Retention

When employing shallow tillage, it minimizes soil disturbance and preserves the inherent structure and aggregation of the soil. As a result, the soil can maintain a greater level of porosity, enhancing its ability to absorb and retain water.

6. Increase in Organic Matter

When left on the soil surface, plant remains form a protective layer that reduces evaporation and helps retain soil moisture.

Soil organic matter retains water, reduces runoff, and increases water infiltration into soil.

7. Money-Saving

By reducing activities, people can save money on fuel, manpower, and rental/use of machinery.

8. Increase Crop Maturity

Minimum tillage systems increase crop maturity because they grow crops during rains, allowing them to germinate and ripen faster compared to systems where ploughing is done after rains.

This was especially true due to the increased moisture in the soil.

9. Reducing Soil Evaporation

Organic matter and plant residues cover the soil, preventing moisture loss. If there is not enough rain, the crop will continue to grow due to excess moisture.

10. Protect the Soil

Crop resides protect the soil and limit moisture loss, reducing soil evaporation. The crop will continue to grow due to extra moisture if there isn’t enough rain.

Controlling weeds is easier with a non-selective herbicide as it can easily handle weeds that germinate after seeding. After several years of use, the soil cover rises, lowering soil temperature. Weeds only grow along the planting line, where the soil is exposed to the sun.

11. Increased Soil Fertility

Minimal soil disturbances, improved organic matter, and increased soil matter all contributed to increased soil fertility. As a result, better crops are grown, and productivity is increased.

12. Higher Profits

All of the costs saved in farm operations result in a lower cost of production, resulting in higher profits.

13. Pressure in the Right Way

Reducing soil compaction is a simple yet effective way for farmers to boost crop yields, as it is a major obstacle to crop growth.

Achieving an sufficient balance of the basic soil components – air, minerals, water, and organic matter is required to improve the conditions for growing soil and crops.

Stress disrupts the availability of air and water in the soil, causing an imbalance of these vital elements. Fields with serious stress problems can hamper root growth and stress plants as they squeeze out air and water.

Stress exacerbates wet and dry soil conditions by lowering the soil’s water-holding capacity, which makes drought conditions worse, and hinders drainage, making wet conditions more difficult. Therefore, minimum tillage is the best solution to soil compaction.

14. Moisture Balance

Conservation tillage decreases soil disturbance and increases organic matter, making it an ideal field management technique.

More organic matter in soil enhances its ability to retain moisture, which is crucial for managing moisture in arid regions.

By thinning soil layers and maintaining sub-habitats of soil organisms, minimal tillage can help improve water infiltration. Growers in wet areas can enhance moisture evaporation and rates of soil warming, allowing for early planting.

15. Controlling Weeds

Reducing soil disturbance is a key mechanism through which minimum tillage controls weeds. Disturbing soil lessens the possibility of weed seeds germination, so avoiding soil disturbance is advisable.

Undisturbed soil buries weed seeds deeper, reducing germination and decreasing weed pressure in the field.


The main goal of minimum tillage is to preserve soil structure and minimize disturbance during crop management.

Retaining crop residues on the soil surface achieves maintaining vital organic matter and promoting healthy soil and crop growth. Minimum tillage can reduce chemical fertilizers and pesticides usage by using crop residues as natural mulch to prevent weed growth.

To summarize, minimum tillage is an eco-friendly farming method that can improve soil health, cut costs, and increase crop yields. The adoption of minimum tillage can ultimately lead to a more efficient and environmentally sustainable farming approach. You can rely on the Kelly Tillage System to satisfy your minimum tillage requirements.