
Jeremy Jacks


“We have been able to actually get rid of all our field cultivators,” Jeremy Jack from Belzoni MS is now running one Kelly for 12000 acres. Covering 100 acres an hour and maintenance costs lowered dramatically it’s a no brainer as to why Jeremy has been using the Kelly for the last 7 to 8 years.

Dustin Oehme


The Kelly Tillage System is a true dual-purpose machine and has multiple uses on the farm. When not in use to sow cover crops it can be used to manage residue and weeds, incorporate fertilizer, or create the ultimate seed bed working in front of the planter. With a shallow working depth, the Kelly Tillage System preserves soil moisture and avoids hard panning or compaction. Because of the smooth, consistent surface preparation created by the Kelly, planter accuracy and speed are at its peak. This ensures that the roots do not meet any sudden changes in soil density which sends them off sideways, and instead they keep growing down. Quality preparation leads to optimal seedbed, which will give the best chance of optimal crops. Kelly Tillage is at the forefront in sustainable seedbed preparation and creating conditions that keep soil moist and even in density. Our smooth seedbed provides optimal planter performance, even germination and early plant growth because of the ideal seeding condition.

Travis Matthews


For the last 10 to 11 years Travis Matthews from Missouri has been getting into his fields a week earlier thanks to the Kelly Tillage System. ” It’s a one pass tool for us, i always call it high speed farming because it speeds our operation up.”

Damien Korte


Damien Korte uses the Kelly Tillage System to remove weeds in chiselled ground.
Damien: “Well this mare’s tail is 15-20 inches tall, 10th of May and I was just going over the fact if we had to spray this in the next 2 weeks it would probably be a $30 chemical bill, to contain the mare’s tail and everything else as the weeds are growing. The Kelly today is knocking out the mare’s tail I would say at least 85-90%. This was an established Eastern gamagrass. So why we are here today is to try and pull out some of those roots of the gamagrass. And get ready to plant soy beans because we think our round up treatment later on will get rid of the rest of the gamagrass. It was chiselled with a 712-disc type chisel back in march and that was the last time we’ve been on this field. “

Keith Freedland

Palestine, Arkansas

Keith Freeland farms around 6000 acres of corn, rice, milo & soybeans.  He has had a Kelly Tillage System on his farm for a number of years and is very happy with the tool.  Keith has had the opportunity to demonstrate the Humdinger and Kelly Tillage System side by side. Keith states the Humdinger does not compare and is no where near the product of a Kelly Tillage System.

David Godfrey

Hudson, Missouri

David Godfrey From G & W Farms brought his Kelly Tillage System in 2014 for the sole purpose of being a stalk crusher. They knew with the new genetics the stalks were so tough they needed to do something to help get those beat down and be ready for next year’s soybeans. Since that point David’s son operates the machine and exclusively runs this a second time in the spring were they are able to go right into the field and plant.

Edward Reams

South Fulton, Tennessee

Edward works with his brother Charles to farm about 30,000 acres of crops such as corn, soybeans, wheat, and milo (grain sorghum).  They do not grow rice.  He oversees operations in Louisiana while Charles oversees operations in Kentucky and Tennessee.  His first sighting of a Kelly Tillage System was in the Stuttgart, Arkansas area about six years ago when it was being used in a rice field.  After that each promotion of the Kelly Tillage System he saw showed it being used in rice fields.  He said they were five years behind in adopting this technology because they believed the Tillage System was only for rice farming.  He didn’t want to believe that.  He and Charles bought one harrow, tried it on their heavy clay (gumbo) soil in TN and KY and were convinced it would work on their ground.  They now have two Tillage Systems used on the farms in KY and TN and a third Tillage System used on gumbo soil in LA.

Tad Hargis

Vick, Louisiana

Tad from Hargis Farms grows around 1500 acres of grain sorghum. In the past they have had to do 5 to 7 deep tillage trips over the field prepare the seedbed. They run the Kelly Tillage System once and burn the residue and waited for the rain and then ran the Kelly at an opposite angle and planted right behind it.

The Kelly Tillage System has saved Tad 3 to 5 trips.

Nathan Fuller

Oil Trough, Arkansas

Nathan farms with his father and brother 6,000 acres of rice and soybeans. The Kelly Tillage System is their main tillage tool that works well in wet gumbo and sandy grounds. They believe they could farm using only a Kelly Tillage System and Planter.

Robert Hill

Heth, Arkansas

The Kelly Tillage System was the first tool Robert bought when starting to Farm and has now planted his 4th 1400 acre crop using the Kelly Tillage System. Robert decided to purchase the Kelly Tillage System simply because he realised with the type of soil he farms he could make one pass, where other tools would take 2 to 3 passes. The savings of only needing to make one pass has been fantastic and he has been able to get across a lot of acres with reduced fuel costs.

Jeffery Brashears

RB Farms, Cadiz, Kentucky

The Kelly Tillage System gets on the ground early, is low maintenance & is an excellent tool to dry the ground out.  Jeffery from RB Farms has had a lot of success with the machine and believes it is a great investment.