Count on the Kelly Diamond Harrow: Versatility aids crop productivity

Arkansas farmers appreciate tool’s performance across crops and soil types The business plan at Pigue Farms demands fast, efficient and economical operation and the Kelly Diamond Harrow fits those parameters like a glove. Ron Pigue and his son, David, are in the business of raising rice, corn and soybeans. With 5,000 acres of cropland near […]

How To Prepare The Perfect Seedbed

A seedbed is basically a piece of land where the conditions allow for the best growth of crops. And while seedbeds are supposed to exist naturally, current climate conditions deem that seedbeds be carefully constructed so that they meet all the nutrient requirements. All farmers, old and new, have some knowledge about seedbeds. However, it […]

The Negative Effects Of Pollution On Your Farm

The world is breathing heavily. And the US is no exception. As of 2018, the carbon footprint of the US is close to five and a half billion tons. This makes the nation one of the worst polluted regions of the world. This is a monster of our own making. And it is slowly choking […]

Sustainable Cropping Practices For The Future

Industrial level agriculture is one of the primary causes of environmental degradation. Concepts such as sustainability, diversity, soil protection, etc. were not considered while building our age-old farming systems. Due to constant negligence towards scientific farming practices, farmers across the United States have faced crop failures and shortages, and also added to the environmental impact. […]

How To Protect Your Farm From American Winters

The USA is getting colder by the year and scientists claim that the effects of this cold are likely to increase in the foreseeable future. While this sort of extreme climate change is happening throughout the world, farmers living in Northern America are having it the hardest. So, if you are a farmer who wants […]