Cover Crop Seeding

The Kelly Disc Chains can establish the cover crop by breaking down the residue, turning & mixing the topsoil while applying the seed mix. All this can be created in just one pass with our soon to be released integrated air seeder. At the other end of the season the Kelly Disc Chains can be used to mulch it back into the ground, while only moving the topsoil to air the surface and prepare the seedbed.

30ft Kelly Diamond Harrow with CL2 Disc Chain technology & CL1 Disc Chain technology preparing the seedbed for cover crop seeding.

30ft Kelly Diamond Harrow with CL2 Disc Chain technology & CL1 Disc Chain technology preparing the seedbed for cover crop seeding.

30ft Kelly Diamond Harrow with CL2 Disc Chain technology & CL1 Disc Chain technology preparing the seedbed for cover crop seeding.

CL2 Disc Chain front & CL1 Disc Chain rear breaking down the residue, turning & mixing the topsoil while the Kelly Cover Crop Seeder applies the seed mix.

CL2 Disc Chain front & CL1 Disc Chain rear establishing the cover crop in one pass with the new air seeder.