Building Machines, Building Global Agriculture!


Change is the only constant. The spread of the Covid-19 has led to an increase in the global economic uncertainties and food hoarding issues. Fortunately though, as per the Australian and International food safety organisations, there is no trace of evidence that suggests that the fatal Covid-19 virus spreads through food.

Food and Agriculture

The island continent of Australia is a food secure nation and produces more food than it consumes domestically. Ranked 1st in the world for equal lowest undernourishment by the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations), 7th for food affordability, and 10th for food availability by the Global Food Security Index, Australia exports almost 70% of its agricultural produce. The country imports only 11% of food items based on the need for a variety of tastes. With minimal restrictions on agricultural sales, Australia is more than capable of helping farmers deal with food issues worldwide.

Farming and its Apprehension

Farming can be tedious, but it’s one of society’s most important jobs. That doesn’t mean it’s easy though; every farmer is used to dealing with ever-expanding input costs.The Grains Research and Development Corporation classifies business costs into five categories. While variable, overhead, and finance costs are termed as operating costs; personal and capital costs come under non-operating costs. It is critical to saving time and operating costs on farming methods. A farmer regularly puts up a fight against weed resistance, uneven seedbeds, and soil erosion.

The Kelly Engineering and Tillage System

Oxford dictionary describes tillage as ‘the preparation of land for growing crops’. Developed by farmers in Australia for other farmers, Kelly Engineering creates innovative tillage technology that aims to help farmers enhance soil structure and carbon. Operating in agriculture markets around the world, the Kelly Tillage System is a uniquely effective tool for improving soil health.

The Kelly Tillage System is equipped with a wide array of soil engaging disc chains to prepare the perfect seedbed. The state of the art tool is reliable and a long-lasting alternative to traditional tillage methods. The disc chains are designed to split residue and increase the rate of decomposition, as well as creating a consistently levelled seedbed. A smooth seedbed promotes longevity of planting tools and reduces the costs involved with seeds. The Kelly Engineering team continues to operate under the pandemic to help with farming and agricultural needs worldwide with their manufacturing units and customised tools.

The Importance of International Trade

Cross border trade is necessary for global economic security. International trade of food items and machinery reduces an item’s price in the importing country. Moreover, the availability of agricultural produce in the market prevents price volatility. The years 2007 and 2008 were marked by food insecurity which paved the way for inflated rates for agricultural produce. However, being a major exporter in this trade, Australia is primed to tackle the current situation domestically and help people worldwide.

Border and Travel Restrictions

In the light of recent events, several Australian states have imposed self-isolation by sealing their borders to all non-essential commute. While each territory has its own restrictions, services engaged in agriculture are classified under essential services. This displays the importance of the trade, and the responsibility it bears to feed people. Agriculture plays a vital role in the maintenance of society, especially in times of insecurity.