How to manage Sunflower & Wheat Residue with the Kelly Model 2006?


How to manage sunflower and wheat residue with Kelly Model 2006? This question lies at the intersection of modern agricultural practices and sustainable land management. 

Crop residues, including those from sunflower and wheat, have a significant role in preserving soil health and boosting crop yields. 

The Kelly diamond harrow 2006 is an advanced farming tool. It provides farmers with a valuable resource to enhance their farming practices, while also playing a role in maintaining ecological balance.

Welcome to this in-depth guide, where we’ll thoroughly explore the complex world of crop residue management, made easy with Kelly Tillage. 

Our focus will be on understanding the importance of handling sunflower and wheat residues, the hurdles that come with their management, and how the Kelly farming tools can prove to be a valuable asset in this undertaking.

Managing Sunflower & Wheat Residue with Kelly Model 2006

Australia celebrated for its extensive agricultural terrain, has long been a hub for the cultivation of various crops, including sunflowers and wheat.  

While these crops play a crucial role in the nation’s economy and food production, managing their leftover materials can present difficulties for farmers. 

Australian Farmers! 

You can set your mind at ease, for we possess a reliable solution in the form of the Kelly Tillage Disc Harrow 2006  to address this effectively.

It offers practical, sustainable methods for managing sunflower and wheat residues, benefiting farmers while ensuring long-term field health and productivity. Let’s explore a more in-depth understanding of ‘how’.

Better Residue Management, Better Tomorrow! 

Below are the best farm tools for managing residue in wheat and sunflower fields. 

Residue management has been made simple with Kelly Disc Harrow 2006. It is effectively handling crop residue from sunflowers and wheat crops. 

This farm machine has sharp-edged K4 Discs at the front and blunt CL1 Discs at the rear to transform the residue into a mulch layer, which serves as a protective barrier for the soil, guarding against erosion. 

The features of this model, including offset diamond chain layout, hydraulic chain tensioning, uniform wing and transport wheels, and floating wings, can be advantageous in managing sunflower and wheat residue in the fields. 

Here’s an explanation of how each feature enhances residue management:

Offset Diamond Chain Layout

The offset diamond chain layout ensures that the harrow discs are arranged in a way that minimises the chances of residue wrapping around the discs. 

This is particularly important when dealing with sunflower and wheat residue, which can be tough and fibrous. By preventing residue buildup, the harrow can maintain its cutting efficiency and prevent clogging or blockages.

Hydraulic Chain Tensioning

The hydraulic chain tensioning system plays a vital role in maintaining the correct tension of chains while in operation. This is especially important when dealing with challenging crop residues, such as wheat and sunflowers, which can be quite tough to cut through. 

Maintaining the right chain tension ensures a consistent disc depth and prevents the chains from bouncing or skimming over the residue, guaranteeing effective residue incorporation.

Uniform Wing and Transport Wheels 

Uniform wings and transport wheels play a crucial role in enhancing stability and ease of maintenance. 

When dealing with substantial residue, the presence of sturdy wheels ensures that the diamond harrow maintains a consistent depth and avoids any fluctuations in ground contact.

This, in turn, facilitates the uniform blending and burial of residue, thereby promoting more effective decomposition.

Floating Wings

The Model 2006 floating wings enable it to closely track the natural contours of the soil, which proves highly beneficial when operating on uneven terrain.

When used in fields containing sunflower or wheat residue, this harrow can smoothly adjust to the landscape, guaranteeing consistent contact with the ground.

As a consequence, it achieves a uniform cut, even on bumpy terrain, effectively preventing the formation of irregular areas during residue incorporation.

K4 has been Designed with Simplicity in Mind

Here’s how each of K4 Disc features contributes to effective residue management:

Closer Disc Spacing

Closer disc spacing creates an overlap when the discs work the soil, which is beneficial for residue management. 

This overlap ensures that the residues from the previous crop, such as wheat or sunflowers, are effectively incorporated into the soil.

It helps break down the crop leftovers and mixes them evenly with the soil, preventing them from forming a thick layer on the surface.

Smooth Disc Face

The purpose of the smooth disc face is to prevent residue accumulation, especially in damp conditions. When operating in wet soil conditions, crop remnants tend to stick to equipment surfaces, potentially leading to obstructions.

The feature minimises the chances of residue sticking to the discs, ensuring uninterrupted operation and proper residue incorporation.

Bolt-On Design

The bolt-on design of the Disc Chain allows for easy adjustment and modification without the need for complete disassembly. This feature is advantageous for adapting the equipment to varying residue conditions.

Farmers can add or remove links from the chain to adjust the depth and aggressiveness of residue incorporation.

This flexibility enables farmers to fine-tune their equipment for optimal residue management in different crop and soil conditions. 

CL1 Disc Chain  

Curious to know why CL1 is the ideal choice for managing residues? If yes, then take a look at the following information.

Hard-Wearing Cast Steel Alloy

The use of a hard-wearing cast steel alloy suggests that these discs are durable and capable of cutting through crop residues and soil without significant wear.

This is important for effective residue management, as it ensures that the discs remain functional over extended periods.

Concave Disc Design

The concave disc design can help in cutting and chopping crop residues effectively. It can also help in burying residues into the soil, promoting decomposition. 

In wheat and sunflower fields, where residues can be thick and tough, this design can be advantageous.


The fact that these discs are maintenance-free is a significant benefit. It means that you don’t need to spend time and resources on regular upkeep, which is especially useful during busy planting and harvesting seasons.


In summary, the Kelly Model 2006  design elements, like its offset diamond chain layout, hydraulic chain tensioning, uniform wheels, and floating wings, work together smoothly. 

This helps to efficiently manage crop residues for sunflower and wheat, ensuring better soil health and preparation for future planting.