Let Us Help Rebuild Australia Together: An Appeal From Kelly Engineering


It is fairly obvious that you already know about the bush fire crisis raging across the Australian nation. If you do, then it is your turn to help those in need by providing whatever funds possible towards relief efforts.

Currently, more than half the population of Australia has been directly or indirectly affected by the bushfire crisis that has been raging across the country. From negative impacts on health to a crumbling down of the agriculture and forest industries, the bush fires are perhaps the biggest ecological threat faced by Australia in a long time. It has also had a huge impact on animal life and the environment in general.

At such a crisis period it is easy to feel helpless and look towards forming community relief groups. However, there is much that we can do even as an individual. Kelly Engineering has been a long-time source of support for the agricultural community of Australia. Our central office is located in rural South Australia allows us to be in direct contact with many victims of the bush fires. During such a crisis period it becomes our prerogative to impart knowledge that can enable individuals to lend their support to the cause.

The Commonwealth Bank has launched a campaign titled ‘CanGive’ to support the Australian Red Cross organisation in their relief efforts to the victims of the bush fires. Individuals can directly donate to the ‘CanGive’ campaign, and every dollar donated will be directed towards organisations that apply for funds from the Red Cross.

Currently grants up to $50,000 are being provided and the final date for these grants is the 31st of March. So, we urge every individual with the capacity to donate to the ‘CanGive’ campaign of the Commonwealth Bank.

Another organisation where you can donate is the BlazeAid foundation. This is a volunteer-based organisation that works directly to emancipate the victims of the Bush Fire and also rehabilitate them. They are currently working towards rebuilding fences and other structures that have been demolished by the fires. If you are unable to provide monetary donations, you can always sign up as a volunteer to the organisation.

Role of Kelly Engineering

We at Kelly Engineering believe in giving back to the community. And while we do so by providing the latest means of agriculture throughout Australia, the United States, and regions of Europe; we also understand the need for the hour.

We have already made large donations to the ‘CanGive’ campaign. As it is currently one of the largest sources of funding for the Australian Red Cross organisation, every last dollar will be directly spent in helping the victims of the bush fire crisis.

We especially urge the farming community of Australia to stand by each other during this ongoing crisis. Being a tight-knit community, we should be able to emancipate each other in whatever way possible.

Learn more about the bush fire crisis

Australia has always had bush fires. It was considered to be a natural part of the Australian ecosystem, but this year the bush fires have taken on the largest shape yet and it still rages on across various parts of the country.

As of now, an approx of 6.3 million hectares of land have been affected. Countless animals have died and livelihoods have been destroyed. And while recent rains have been able to bring down the effect in certain parts, the devastation caused by the crisis is too large to be controlled in such a short period of time.

It becomes every individual’s role to protect this country from the devastating effects of the bushfire. Click on any of the donation links mentioned above and you will be able to do your part in helping the victims. Also, if you are an able-bodied person do consider volunteering in your nearby relief effort.

Let us stand together to help rebuild the country that is ours, and to ensure that an ecological crisis of such a scale does not occur again.