A Complete Guide To Sustainable Agriculture


Sustainable agriculture or Industrialized agriculture has proven to be a reliable way to produce large quantities of food at a low cost. However, this is not the deal we thought it was.  Unsustainable agriculture pollutes water, air, and soil emits greenhouse gasses and causes species to become extinct. In total, this costs the world’s economies […]

Sustainable Agriculture – Practices In Australia


What is sustainable agriculture? Sustainable agriculture – what does the term bring to your mind? Ignoring modern technologies and going back to farming the olden way? Sustainable agriculture is about much more than that, and its reputation is ill-earned. Sustainable agriculture involves combining modern farming methods and technologies with lessons drawn from the experiences of […]

5 Tips For Crop Optimisation


Creating an optimal crop is the ultimate goal of any farmer. This is what the hard work goes in for, and so farmers are on the prowl for learning any useful tip and trick that ensures their yields are maximised. Crop optimisation includes soil maintenance techniques, water conservation methods, seedbed preparation practices, etc. Here at […]

Let Us Help Rebuild Australia Together: An Appeal From Kelly Engineering


It is fairly obvious that you already know about the bush fire crisis raging across the Australian nation. If you do, then it is your turn to help those in need by providing whatever funds possible towards relief efforts. Currently, more than half the population of Australia has been directly or indirectly affected by the […]

How Proper Tillage Can Actually Be Profitable


The process of tillage has widely developed over the years. Once an unplanned activity that often harmed the soil quality, it can now be performed in a controlled and sustainable manner. This is known as conservation tillage. With a disc chain-based mechanism now available in the market, any farm owner can perform a heavy-duty tillage […]

Effect Of The Bushfires On The Australian Agricultural Industry


The current bushfire raging across Australia is nothing short of an ecological crisis. While the true impact of it will not be known for many months, it can already be estimated that billions of dollars’ worth of farming property has already been destroyed due to it. As the fire still rages in parts of New […]